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How do women get turned off men so fast?

No.10401301 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've met women who said they liked some guy until he farted near them, instantly all attraction dropped overnight. I've seen women say "I really liked him until he told me he doesn't like dogs and he was hot too but my dogs come first you know what i mean mate". Other women i've heard have been turned off a guy because he bragged or boasted about something or wore a hairstyle they thought was ugly and it made them go from finding him attractive to ugly in an instant.

Somehow i can't imagine some of the men here being turned off women for these same sorts of things. Can you imagine an autist from here finally landing a relationship and then dropping the woman because she wore a pair of jeans he didn't like.

I've read stories of women dumping their husband of 30 years because he forgot to put the trash out on time.

How do women turn their emotions on and off like that?