>>10409222no, its not a cheapshit marlin, its just a nice ruger 10/22, i traded it for a failed project when i realized the gun i was working on had no worth to me anymore
i gave him a k98, but it was really fucked, pretty sure it was just a yugo, i bought it for 200 off of gunbroker
at the time i was pretty dumb and overlooked a lot of shit, it was missing the sights for whatever reason, the trigger constantly got stuck, and several other things
by the time i was done with it, it was in actually decent shooting condition
my original plan was to try and do reenacting with it, but i found out that ww2 reenactments pretty much never happen in my state, and i decided rather than having a gun that took expensive ammo, i traded it for a 10/22 so i could shoot cheaply and be able to fuck with it whenever
as for wether i'll go for .40 or 9mm, i'd like to get a .40, but i'm not entirely sure
but i'm probably gonna get a tisas regent br9 so it'll likely be 9mm