>>1041489>>1041524>>1041560You niggers are quite possibly the dumbest people I've ever seen on the entire site. For one, turning "normie" into an insult... It implies that NOT having an abnormal interest in something that really isn't, or shouldn't be, acceptable is somehow a bad thing. Second, the fact that you, or anyone for that matter, would want to fuck an animal is pretty ridiculous.
I'm also noticing that leafs tend to lean towards furry bullshit the most. I can tolerate a bunch of things, but I'm genuinely getting sick of seeing furry and trap related things as if those were perfectly fine things. They aren't. Shouting at anyone who believes otherwise into submission still doesn't make it "right", and if you're so insecure with yourself that you can't find yourself being attracted to someone of the opposite sex then you've got more problems going on that really need to be addressed other than wanting to fuck a girlboydog.
Fucking hell, you people.