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/psg/ pant shit general

ID:UBvs4BMs No.10410936 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey there guys I'm new to the pantshit community and they told me to post here. I've been preparing this past past two days to drop a hell of a stinker at work today. Tuesday I ate nothing but meat to make sure that I'd be constipated and my first turd could act as a cap to hold all the ingredients for my pantshit when the time comes. After that I decided that I could use some sulfur in the ol belly stew so I ate 12 eggs for breakfast, next was my lunch and I wanted to make sure I had some diarrhea so I just took it light with 500ml of prune juice. I heard that oil gives your poop a good texture so I had a glass of that for dinner , I needed some leafy hints in my poop so I ate a bag of brussel sprouts for dinner and finished it off with broccoli for bed. When I woke up I decided I'd have a bit of danimals for breakfast so I ate some of those with some cheese to make sure I had some gas in my stomach, I'm gonna hopefully take my enema to help loosen up my constipated primer stool at lunch break and then have a nice embarrassing pant shit while I'm giving my employee of the month speech. Wish me luck :)