>>1046818>I don't think it's the economic policies that attracted him to it.I agree that economics aren't really what the average person thinks about regarding the aut-right, but fact is that the same politicians that pander to them also support far-right economic policies that benefit the wealthy while harming everyone else and replacing actual culture with mass-produced McCulture(TM).
>It's the sense of community that brought him to it.That's also how cults attract people, and why I strongly suggest that anyone involved with this crap take a step back and analyze who benefits from sponsoring the whole thing. Pour out the kool-aid before its too late, fampai.
>>1046826>>Republicians>>far rightThe right-wing, by definition, is about policies that benefit a small ruling class (wealthy property owners, monarchs, dictators, etc) while the left is about policies that benefit the working class. When the Republicans are in power Wall Street wins and the working class loses, and when the Democrats are in power Wall Street still wins, just slightly less. Thus, both of them are right-wing, and that's why society has been going to shit since the 70s.
I can only hope that the fact that both of them are utter shitshows at the moment will allow a true left-wing 3rd party to appear in the US.
>Also, the free market is a shitfest that I've never supportedYet I'm guessing you vote for politicians that push that crap. Again, please just take a step back and look at Trump's economic and foreign policies since taking office- is eliminating healthcare for millions of people something you support? Is selling hundreds of bilions of dollars worth of weapons to the Saudis so they can give them to terrorists something you support? Is lowering funding for public schools and giving the money to fancy private schools something you support? Is privatizing the fucking infrastructure such as the roads something you support?