>>10440278they pretty much indoctrinated us into thinking serbia=bad, but serbia isn't bad, no country is, it's people in charge that are and the people have no say in the matter
>after tito's deathnah, tito died a decade before that, it was the crissise of third century all over again but no cabbage loving emperor to save the yugoslavia
it was a shitshow; croats killing serbs and bosniacs, serbs killing croats and bosniacs aswell as albanian terrorists, bosnians being bosnians, nato bombing serbia, albanians stoking serbia in order to get serbia's retaliation in order for nato to have an excuse to bomb their oil refineries and high risk places that produce a lot of toxic waste when damaged... but I wasn't even planned 4 years after the war has ended
>I took screens of anime where her face was reaction worthythese ones aren't
those aren't reports, they gave us the numbers we would've usually had to process in the lab
this is physical chem, I'm good in analisys but not in the physical aspect
I don't understand jack shit about this topic
>it already expiredpretty much the same, highly doubt I'd ever achive shit even with the bloody degree
>>10440296shizo circlejerks