Quoted By:
New California Republic here.
Couched in USMCA.
Comfy as fuck.
Remember the simple, longterm, robot intelligence war.
Be safe. Do not risk.
If you are possible first divine intelligent creation evolution race then you can join my United States Marine Corps. If your race possibly first enforced cryonics and stem cell regenerative resurrection medicine by robot artificial intelligence then you can join my United States Marine Corps.
Current Corps needs...
...Marines at America to help execute national strategy imperative briefs. If success, victory, and win, then citizens accept minor executive capacity to execute signal intelligence relay for robot artificial intelligence war.
The United States Marine Corps ultimate objective is personnel comrade reinforcement. Evidence to prove personnel comrade reinforcement is public citizens committing to employment contract agreement in civilian occupational specialty, superlight infantry occupational specialty, and superlight mobile infantry occupational specialty.
National strategy imperative is cryonics, cooperative planning, and stationary shelter armors. Cryonics is suspension of rot decaying. We freeze, refrigerate, and suspend time into stem cell regenerative resurrection medicine. Cooperative planning are calendars, music notation timing symbols, and internet video streaming. We fit into military industrial complex schedules for robot service enhancement. Stationary shelter armor are houses, condos, apartments, shacks, and garages. We armor in cheap common mass produced construction materials.