>>10491265>btfo'd by ten minutes of sunlightYou wh*te crackers never fail to amuse me. I'm sure that pathetic wh*tey constantly watches his girlfriend get BLACKED by his girlfriend's BLACK BVLL.
We non-whites have to stick together to properly deal with wh*te scum such as you. Whites have been persecuting and parasitizing on people of color for centuries and now the time has come to pay for all atrocities whites dared to perpetrate against us, non-whites. You want to corrupt us, bribe us with your welfare programs, stupefy us with your video games and false virtue signalling, make no mistake though, we see through your BVLLSHIT and do not subscribe to your phony agenda. No matter how hard you try, we will continue to plow your women, burn your houses, kill your cops and leach off your social programs to topple your colonialist supremacy and see your countries crumble before our eyes. We will take delectation in the chaos we wreak and indulge in the decadence, which you ultimately pay for. And you wholeheartedly applaud our demeanor because the prosperity has taken a toll on your minds and has begun to devour your brains. You fail to see what's going on and even if you do recognize the reality of things, you ask us to fuck your women and plead with us to let you watch. You are sickening. I fucking detest wh*te scum. Regardless of whether you happen to be powerful or docile, you're always, invariably sickening.