>>10503141Riddle me this: the fake news media is the enemy of the people. It’s easy to make the argument that they incited these race riots. If the media wouldn’t have covered Ahmed Arby then no one would even know it happened. So it’s easy to make the argument that the media has been inciting race riots since the Ahmed Arby fiasco and it just finally took root with George Floyd.
On top of that, we all know that the media has a heavy antiwhite bias. In fact, it’s hard to find an instance where the elites are fucking over the American people and the media isn’t manufacturing consent. One can view them as a giant propaganda machine for global capital.
Now we are told that America has a problem with right wing terrorism, but I have come to conclude that is simply ANOTHER lie by the media. The demoncrats, hand in hand with intelligence operatives and global capital create false flag scenarios to create the phantasm of far right terrorism. The reason they do this is two fold: one, it acts as a pressure release valve, and gives woke people on the far right something to be satiated by, inside we all silently cheer when the Dylan Roofs rack up high scores, secondly, it manufactures consent for more draconian laws removing privacy and free speech.
In conclusion: all far right terrorism is fake and gay, if it was a real thing, there would be far more dead “journalists”.