>>10508706I fucking hope so.
This is not a simple matter. In the US, Canada, Australia and such you've only got immigrants, people going in one way. In India, Africa, middle east, you've only got emigrants, again people going one way.
In Croatia it's different. You've got skilled labor going to Germany, Austria, US etc. and you've got unskilled labor coming in from China or maybe they were from Chink looking shitholes, I do not know.
The thing with Emigrants is that none of them give a shit about their host nation, so if the US starts burning (which might happen after this election, even if it isn't likely), we might see Croat refugees looking to get in here which might be fine, maybe. However, Croatia is unironically looking increasingly attractive because we've been on a fairly stable if not particularly fast upwards trajectory, which inevitably attracts shitskins and their globohomo partners.
Things certainly have the potential to go lots of ways because we're in a very weird and very rare situation right now.