>>1051569Well, yeah, I sympathise with their situation. What's this "international law" which they're supposed to accede to when mainland china was left out in the cold when it was drawn up in the first place?
There's strains as that error is worked on, definitely. And wiser heads than mine have drawn the parallel between the errors of the first half of the last century, when a rising power wasn't given the strategic space it deserved. That being Germany, and we'd certainly hope we avoid the same damn mistakes this time around.
So yeah encirclement is tense, and while not something you'd want to fling away as fast as possible, it's something to notch down on as time goes on.
A truism, after all, is that China is only interested in China - they don't need the extra beaurocratic headaches of managing more than their 1.5 (?) Billion people. They're not interested in world domination, but that's not to say they don't want shares of the resources pie that other people want. Which, is never the smoothest thing to settle.
But yeah Taiwan and China both want unification. Eventually. And under terms that aren't agreed upon yet.
Oh yeah one other thing, China's a big fan of its territorial boundaries pre-gunboat diplomacy. They don't want more but they do want any losses back.