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ITT: We laugh at America

No.10517166 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What a fucking shithole, my bros.

>worst posters in /pol/ by far, I've never seen a single good contribution made by an american, whose posts often degenerate the thread into porn discussions and irrelevant nonsense
>can be broken to the ground by some nog passing out and dying during a normal arrest
>said nog dying causes widespread rallies in other countries because they couldn't keep their bullshit to themselves
>birthplace of diseases like aids, the spanish flu and third-wave feminism
>takes down Lybia and starts a massive refugee crisis that lasts to this day and threatens to destroy Europe
>tries to police the world
>fail hard
>let retarded politics ruin their business and academia, which are now just a bunch of chinks and poos
>let chinks run their country
>let spics run their country
>let jews run their country
>let everyone but themselves run their country
>joins war against based Japan and based Germany who were getting rid of the chinks and jews that now run their country
>less than 13% of the western population
>generate more than 90% of the porn
>all their women have OnlyFans
>I could go on

I could not think or comprehend how anyone would want or be proud in being an american. This shit does not deserve to be a superpower, and I hope Brazil never turns into a country like the USA.