>>10520500>you mean THEMThere's nobody alive that did anything. This jewish notion of bringing stuff up from the past creates ethnic strife. The dumb fucking niggers don't even know in USA that USA in past how the niggers were on plantation, pales in comparison to how it was being european peasants and shit like that.
Dude just in my country back in the 18th century. Was not fun being a dane.. These people have NO FUCKING IDEA over in the idiot fraud that is USA..
They bring up the past and talk about other people. But they have no clue about world history to look at it in a global context and put all together and look at history of everyone how there was lots of bad shit going on..
The black slavery one is particularly pernicious and stupid, cause first off it was created promoted and started by the africans themselves. Who were the enslavers of other africans and the slave traders. To the arabs and to others, and then eventually to some european colonies like USA.
But it's like that all around..
Bringing up past only does one thing, it creates ethnic strife. It tells niggers they should enact some kind of 'revenge' on people today. This creates ethnic strife. That niggers even buy into it and do it, should be enough reason to kick out every nigger out of USA, because they indicate their intentions of trying to debase and fight euro americans about anything. People who feel that way and declare their open hostility like that. Should not live in same country together, i don't even care how long they lived there..
It's like if an arab go to germany and say. I am here to undermine the germans and take over their country and debase the german peoples in every way. How long you think he should stay in germany?
I don't give a fuck about human rights when it comes to situations like this. And neither should you..
That this is allowed as part of mainline culture in USA shows what a fraud USA culture has become.