>>10548307women dont care about race
if you are good looking, you are good looking and you will have sex
The thing is 80% or even more, will never have this life
I have a normal sex life i would say, it all makes sense in its relation and its basically the same what you hear from normal people and what you see on tv. So its like based in reality. Oh boy was i wrong.
I started to get to know tons of people, men and women, and what i heard and saw was unbelieveable.
The top guys, fuck hundreds of women. I know people who fuck a new girl every day. I know a twelve year old who had sex with every girl in his class. I could not believe it.
And the rest has a lay once a year, twice a year, if they are not in a relationship. And normie relationships nowdays, dont even bring forward sex. I have so many friends, who dont have sex with their girlfriend. They play it down, and say its not important, but after they then tell me that they now are in an open relationship, i cant hold back.
And the rest are incels, who dont have sex at all, and probably never will. It is so bad for normies, you cant even imagine, dont even think about any girl giving a fuck about you. And you cannot keep up with those chads, because they are one out of a hundred, and they have everything, the looks, the money and the status. No chance.
The race does not matter, those guys fuck, and the rest does not