It's 1939 when Atticus Lagrange discovers the key to time travel, the reddest southern clay. Humble Lagrange must hurry,.however, the World's Fair is soon and he must make it to San Francisco to show off his contraption. In the grand empire state of the south, Lagrange meets a humble farmer with a sundry of agricultural items, a man simply referred to as Borche. This humble farmer was a sharecropper in his younger days, competing with the recently freed slaves to find land to live off of, all while taking care of his large family, as his father had died fighting in the Great War. Borche's mother was a tough soul, only now succumbing to illness, needing to be treated by the city doctor. This is where Borche would meet Lagrange, almost as if God himself had willed it.
Lagrange promised Borche great royalties if Borche would allow the aspiring young inventor to sample some of his fine red clay. Stuffing the clay in the machine, Lagrange eagerly activated it. Due to his carelessness he and Borche were thrown 78 years into the future.
The two found themselves in Downtown Atlanta, 2AM. Confused and unaware of their huge leap in time they ask some locals for the time of day and location. Lagrange approches the figures, "Excuse me my fine fellows, where might we be and what is the time?"
"the fuck nigga who this white bitch"
"iunno, D, but he seem like he mockin us"
Borche, wary of African Americans and apprehensive about the situation steps in
"Listen up ya rascals this city folk here is asking you a question its best you answer fore i cap you niggers"
The incendiary words of Borche ring in the air
'I aint takin no shit from some racist ol cracka"
The man begins firing shots from his pistol aimlessly. His acquaintance flees. "damn niggers!" is heard as the shots begin to cease and both locals are gone. "'Grange!", Borche calls. No answer. He sees Lagrange lying in a pool of blood, non responsive. Police sirens approach as Borche simply runs from the scene.