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Egypt and the jews, etc.

No.10572435 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yahweh (YHWH) is analogous to Set/Typhon (the snake / serpent) - i.e. the anti-Osiris/Horus.

It was the chaotic forces of Set who besieged Egypt with the plagues.

Proto-jews were the Hyksos - Set worshippers from Avaris (avarice, greed). Representing one side of the human dialectic, they inverted the teachings of Egypt and led humanity into the dark valley we know as history.

The elite Jews are indeed God’s chosen people, but not like you think. They are the ones who must serve as the counterpoint to the rest of humanity, representing the dark forces of the chaotic, untamed serpent: reckless, indiscriminate, and owned by base desires.

This is duality playing itself out, getting itself off. As an outcome of natural cosmic law, the Jewish elite, the serpent, has existed as humanity’s concentrated counterpoint.

One’s spiritual journey is tasked with triumphing over these base temptations that in fact exist in the heart of every man and woman. The “savior-human” and their serpent counterpart are unintelligible without the other. Yin and Yang - what would 4chan be without the jews?

So where do we go from here? Spiritual enlightenment. Thoth/Hermes/Mercury (i.e. the master of the serpent) hold the answer - the Thoth concept is the god voice all humans can tap into. The word hermaphrodite, which shares the same root, is characterized by having attributes of both sexes – a literal manifestation of a higher level integration of the anima/animus, your spiritual other half, twin flame.

This trickster Thoth/Hermes essence was there Eden when Eve tempted Adam with spiritual enlightenment. By not reigning in the serpentine power they thus became ruled by it. This led to their fall. And he’ll be there for there humanity’s redemption arc.