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Racial double standards in America aren't as clear cut as some say

ID:tbFHl6F8 No.10591988 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's have a discussion on Black Lives Matter.

No, I'm not going to start saying "Black Lives Matter is bullshit because all lives matter". I'm bringing up something that nobody wants to talk about.

Yes, some white people's ancestors were racist and owned slaves. But that was a very long time ago. Now, white people are very apologetic about that, but NOBODY is talking about how minorities can be some of the most racist people around. Hispanics are racist against darker hispanics, blacks, and asians. Blacks are racist against hispanics and asians. Don't believe me? Look at gang activities among inner cities. They're divided by race all the goddamn time and they hate anyone different than them.

Frankly, I understand the problem with white cops and black people, because the Founding Fathers created a system saying everyone was innocent until proven guilty and police profiling has soiled this for minority communities. HOWEVER, During the LA riots, Korean owned businesses had nothing to do with the guy who got beaten to shit and they STILL got burned down (pic related). Is it because they really want equality? No. It's because they're a nationalist organization based on race that has nothing to do with equality for all.

Change my fucking view.