Tenshi No Bokura is suggested reading, if you have the time.
If you’re new to arume survival threads, please read the rules and lurk a bit before posting.
Whenever you make a decisive action, you roll with the last two digits of your post number, reversed. For example, if your post number is xxxx17, then your roll was actually 71. Rolling a 01 is a critical failure, and a 98 is a great success. Getting dubs of any kind (including 00) results in a critical success, and trips+ will be act as extremely lucky successes.
(i won't always rely on rolls, mostly to get the game moving along faster if needed)
Any debates or arguments between anons will be settled between themselves or by voting.
You must pick a character name, and try to remember to include it in each post so that nobody gets confused.
(the average resistance member will be more powerful than the average arume, because the arume have a whole army behind them, so this is to make it more fair)
Background: The Arume have invaded Earth, and have found great success in conquering humanity. Pockets of resistance remain scattered throughout the globe. The Arume are a highly advanced all-female race and will stop at nothing to defeat mankind. They are also lesbians.
It has been three months since humanity’s subjugation. Some human resistance forces have established a base in the empty ruins of a small coastal city, but they are not alone…
>>1067994 are you from ontario
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Red is the location of the current resistance base. green is where the destroyed arume base is. I’ve labelled some points of interest as well. More information will be added in later threads, should you uncover anything. Your starting equipment will be determined by your first roll in this thread, so make it count. Each anon will start in the resistance base for this thread.
Arume survival episode 1>resistance consists of 20 soldiers, a few nurses, and a cook >our old leader died >we currently don’t have a leader >but we all report to some commander through the radio >we don’t know who it is, but he has a cool deep voice >he has led us to many victories, with his cunning tactics and intel >liquid anon and dan go arume hunting for some reason >they kill 4 arume out of 8 and come back alive >commander promotes liquid to sergeant and dan to corporal >because 1 of the 4 dead arume was a high ranking official >liquid is the new leader >find out we have a mole in our resistance >find out it’s the nurse >dan found this nurse unconscious, a month back while he was scouting >nurse tries to kill liquid >nurse is tied up, and forgets everything that happened, or at least pretends to >dan convinces everyone to keep her alive Episode 2>scouts are spotted near the base >dan and jeremy kill and capture them >they see someone is trying to contact the arume scouts through their radio >jeremy tries to impersonate the arume >notice the voice on the radio is a male’s voice >henry went on out to get some supplies >he finds some supplies, a dead resistance guy and some dead arume >he finds a blue vial on one of the dead arume >nobody knows what it's for >commander gives info on an arume base that used to be a gated neighborhood >dan comes up with a plan to destroy it >everyone tries to interrogate one of the captured arume >find carbon monoxide is also poisonous to arume >find out that they can get an engineer to re program arume guns for humans to use >the plan is to use carbon monoxide to flush out the arume >and find a engineer amongst the arume at the base
>>1067994 can you please send more pics like that
Anime military girls are so cute!
>>1068025 Episode 3
>everyone helps to dig tunnels, used for easy movement around the map >dan makes some cool armor that repels plasma, and a lightning gun >while jeremy is digging in the tunnels he finds the sewers >now the resistance can use the sewers to travel around easier >henry finds a military surplus store, and inside an old vet >the vet gives henry some supplies, including night vision goggles, O2 tanks, and more >the vet offers to train the resistance soldiers >jeremy overlooks the arume base with his sniper from a distance >he makes a map of the base >the base has around 35 arume soldiers >we won the arume base and captured an arume engineer >we took in 4 prisoners not including the engineer >the resistance only lost 5 men thanks to dan’s intricate plan >liquid gives info that the commander will be arriving at the base shortly, with some of his men Episode 4
>jeremy meets a guy named foster, and he wants to be a sniper like jeremy >jeremy decides to take him to the old vet at the surplus store for training >the commander finally arrives, along with ten men >to everyone's surprise the commander is an arume >the soldier are uneasy that the commander is an arume Episode 5
>jeremy takes foster to bill (the old vet) >bill gives him a sniper >bill trains both jeremy and foster the next day >frog doesn’t trust the commander >the commander takes a liking to frog the next day… for reasons >the commander and dan decide on a plan >dan will become a double agent, and pretend to betray the resistance >the commander has friends on the inside that can help dan >the resistance are currently coming up with the details of the plan Master
>>1068037 Episode 6
>jeremy, frog, and foster go to get some dead bodies for the operation >they are going to set them up in a fake resistance base, and torch it so it looks like dan betrayed the resistance >they find a warehouse that will be used as the fake resistance base >frog goes into the commander's room to look for some dirt on her >and he steals a microwave that he found in her closet for some reason >the commander gets mad and calls a meeting >the commander is arguing with frog >meanwhile dan goes outside with his ACD and finds a signal Episode 7
>henry finds out the ACD was from arume following him >henry calls for backup >back up comes >meanwhile frog takes the microwave in his backpack and tries to find out what it is >everyone can see that frog’s bag takes a shape very similar to a microwave >wilhelm and dimitri catch up to him >wilhelm tells him that the microwave is a bomb, and that the commander’s hobby is making DIY weapons >wilhelm snatches the backpack and throws it far away to prove it’s a bomb >when the backpack hit’s the ground it explodes Episode 8
>the commander makes frog her bodyguard so he can stop being suspicious of her and stop the growing mutiny >he is also promoted to lieutenant >the resistance eventually shoot down the airship, and the airship lands >liquid sent all 10 men to charge the airship’s one opening >5 men die >the arume eventually surrender >jeremy get’s three ghillie suits from bill >he gives one to foster and one to king Master
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>>1068040 Episode 9
>the resistance goes through with the plan >henry gabber becomes the double agent >they take him in the airship >the airship is under general kyoko >henry is free to walk around the airship for now >henry meets a scientist named yuki, she is against the arume, and will help henry >while henry was on his mission, the commander, frog, jeremy, willhelm, and dimitri go to meet another group of resistance >they are called the black wranglers >the are like antifa, they smell bad, they refer to each other as comrades, and they are all beta >the resistance decides to shoot them all >they are all dead https://discord dot gg/g7FpJW4
Expert Sniper Corporal Jeremy Gigglebert
Expert Sniper Corporal Jeremy Gigglebert ID:nNg8NMxA Sat 17 Jun 2017 00:17:48 No. 1068197 Report Quoted By:
*Tips Shades* "M'lady."
>>1068028 you should look into valkyria chronicles, it's full of cute army girls
Expert Sniper Corporal Jeremy Gigglebert
Expert Sniper Corporal Jeremy Gigglebert ID:nNg8NMxA Sat 17 Jun 2017 00:19:38 No. 1068223 Report >>1068199 >The sefton poster takes part in the arume threads Does your coverage know no bounds?
>>1068073 to confirm a theory
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>>1068223 Literally every post on /bant/ is actually me
>>1068226 hmm... are you who i think you are?
>>1068223 >who's the sefton poster? Expert Sniper Corporal Jeremy Gigglebert
Expert Sniper Corporal Jeremy Gigglebert ID:nNg8NMxA Sat 17 Jun 2017 00:22:59 No. 1068265 Report Quoted By:
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>>1068255 >who's the sefton poster? nice try, sefton poster
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>>1068073 I really, really like this uniform she's wearing
>>1068084 >>1068106 Pretty
>>1068199 I'll check it when I get home from work. Thanks, and nice dubs!