>>10687492 >As (post-)huMAnity eMERGes frOm THe NEUrochEMical DARk agES, enRiCHEd dopAMinErgiC fUNcTiOn iN PARTicULAR may shArPEN The shEEr INTEnSiTy and mEANInGFUlnESs OF Every mOmENT of cOnsCiOus ExISTeNCE. fOr a gENeRAtIoN whose lIFETIMES span BOTH mOdeS OF awAreNESS, iT WiLL BE AS iF THEY HaD JUsT WoKeN Up. tHEy Will fEEl thEY Had hiTHeRTo BeEn sleEP-WAlKINg THrouGH LIFe iN A twilIt stupor. tHeReaftER tHeir FormEr MUNdAne ANd mINImAL eXiSTENCe may be rEcalLED OnLy aS sOMe KinD of ZOmbifiED TRAncE-STATE whoSe NatURE ThEY WErE PHysiolOGiCaLLy INcAPaBLe Of REcoGNiSIng.