>>10689876And yeah the Jews seem stuck at vajrayana level, and assume Tantra as a means for self interests and narrative manipulation for their own pursuits
Tantra has no static codex. It's purely phenomena based, and methods yo agitate different phenomena experiences of reality. The coveted is generally enlightenment, but I think there is no hierarchy.
It's the most egalitarian thing I've ever come across, it's totally non objective outside of agitating a state, maintaining a state, or shifting a state of existence.
It doesn't place these people over others, they simply exist and they are to be connected with. All people. No matter what they look like or their status etc.
It's the most feminine "ideology" I've ever come across. It's like being in a child state. The amount of creativity that enlightenment can bring through Tantra is fucking -insane-.
So it leads me to believe that Jews mostly exploit it. The trope of their obsession with children make sense, children and women are coveted and seen as the true enlightened to the tantric. Ofc Jews seem to exploit this as oppose to revere it.
In Tibet and India there were nomadic tantrics. Theres talk that there was a lot of abuse and exploitation.
Fast track to today...
These things can all be used for self, or others.
Instead of "Be a battery for others", others are a battery for them
Instead of "cultivate your energy", they farm the energy of others.
Instead of "learn their language (individually) to help illuminate their experience", they learn the language of others to exploit it.
They've taken a lot of the ideas and just use them for themselves.
I've never come across such a liberating "ideology", and yet it's used to enslave. And yet, this is part of the total freedom that is offered by Tantra.