>>10693622I'm sorry anon but Hong Kong was always doomed to be reunited with mainland China. Teens throwing rocks and shooting cheap arrows at riot police doesn't magically save a small unsustainable city state from being incorporated into a larger state.
If they were serious they'd build a large Militia or do some grunt work in the underground crime world till they had enough dirty bombs to actually scare China off and I mean A LOT, so much that they'd basically threaten the Mainland with Chernobyl 2.0 but that didn't happen so they're fucked.
Any Hong Kongers who was a part of those protests should just up and flee to Taiwan before it's too late.
In retrospect I can't entirely blame the main landers, the mere existence of HK from there perspective is just another mark of Anglo's dabbing on them with their Opium empire, that said fuck China they're a bunch of whiny little corporate slaves who have turned everything into shit. Even if you don't give a shit about HK you should boycott them on account of all the pollution and destruction those subhumans cause every day and everything product they make is inferior to literally every other country even some African countries.