Copypasta from a long gone thread I have lying around. Not originally by me.
>be me
>19 years old
>on a trip to Czech Republic, originally from Denmark, visiting my father who I have a strained/awkward relationship with
>aside from awkwardness, entire day has felt off to me, but I can't place why
>7pm, get a text from a friend asking me where I am--I didn't tell anyone about my visit because uncommunicative asshole
>"Anon, where are you? It's BestFriend's birthday and he tells me you're ignoring his calls."
>forget my best friend since elementary school's birthday which is bad on its own, but made even worse by the fact that his family was going through rough times with his parents divorcing and neither of them wanting to let him live with them, so we ended up renting an apartment together
>instead of apologizing and telling BestFriend why I wasn't at his party and why I've been ignoring his texts, I continue to ignore him and have a mental breakdown in my father's cabin
>come home 2 days later
>BestFriend tries to act like everything's fine but it isn't; I haven't been there emotionally for him at all because I'm a dense faggot
>two weeks of extreme awkwardness that puts my tension with my dad to shame, I come home to find our mutual friend rubbing his back and hugging him while BestFriend cries nonstop
>walk into my room like the cunt I am and continue to ignore BF
>3 weeks later he's admitted to the hospital for attempted suicide, stays there for 3 weeks
>I didn't visit him once
>finally, finally, my girlfriend has had enough and spends nearly 2 hours lecturing me about how much of a piece of shit I am
>break down and cry, never been one who seeks out physical contact but I ran to hug BF when he got home from work
>spent the next 10 minutes crying and apologizing to him while he cried and showed me his cutting scars; I'd never realized how much pain he was in, feel like shit