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[14 / 6 / ?]

ID:NRCFDqeR No.1073486 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /bant/ Friday 420 and drinking.

>be me back on election day
>scrawny rice field nip
>playing casul vidya with discord lads
>guy from Florida starts shitposting memes on feed
>said they're from 4chan
>never heard of it, anon
>started browsing it
>witness trump victory
>started lurking more post-election
>got bored of /pol/
>start browsing /jp/
>lol wtf I love 2hu now
>browse /v/
>these shills don't understand CSGO at all aside shitty skin cash grab
>browse /fit/
>wanting to become asian chad while becoming a fat shamming gay nazi
>here we are at /bant/

Jeez man. /bant/ begins to feel like bar, talking to strangers with random banter. Really want to unironically thank 4chan for making me a better person today than myself back then.