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OMETIME the Anglo Saxon may AWAKE to the fact that the Jewish kahal and secret forces concentrated or brought to focus in the unappetizin’ carcass of Franklin D. Roosevelt do NOT shove Aryan or non-yittlsch nations into WARS in order that those said nations may WIN wars. The non-Jew nations are shoved into wars in order to destroy themselves, to break up their structure, to destroy their social order, to destroy their populations. And no more flaming and flagrant case appears in history than our own American Civil War, said to be an occidental record for size of armies employed and only surpassed by the more recent triumphs of Warburgs, the wars of 1914 and the present one.
AGAIN, whatever your own press has been able to tell you, it is, or ought to be news, that Europe is interested in the question of Masonry. Nothin’ will come as a greater shock to America in general, but in particular to honest men who compose the greater part, numerically, of American Masonry, than the view held concernin’ that order in Europe.
An American said to me a short while back, “I’m a Mason, my wife is a Catholic, the kids goin’ to Catholic school, and a man would have to be pretty SMALL to let it (meaning his Masonry) interfere with his politics.” That, I believe, to be the attitude of 95% of American Masons.
No one in the United States will be more surprised at the talk of hook up between Masonry, its central control, Jewry, Anglo-Israel, and the British Intelligence Service [than will the rank and file of American Masons.] This is all NEW to the rural American. Giraffe!! There ain’t no such animal.