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thats a weird looking plate its just a box who eats out of a plate like that it seems annoying to eat from cutting something on that would be hard like if you had a knife in one hand and then a fork in the other to cut say a piece of chicken or pork or steak or whatever you know what i mean it doesnt seem like itd be as easy to cut as it is on a normal plate with no high edges maybe in japan they dont care so much i dont think maybe they use chopsticks for most of their eating but surely there comes a time when they must cut something on the plate right that seems uncomfortable if anything id just use the plate upside down and eat off it like that then again those high edges might help the food or whatever from falling off maybe that would be good for small children or something not me i dont have problems with food falling off my plate but if i was a small child i might what do you think about that i think thats not a bad idea now that i think more about it could be good for babies and small children man kids are retarded why is it that when like a dog or a cat or a lizard has a baby it immediately starts doing like dog or cat or lizard things right out of the womb but when a human has a baby it takes years before the baby stops actively trying to kill itself imagine if we handled our newborns like dogs or cats or lizards do theyd be dead in like five minutes what a joke kids are stupid