>>10746318huh. arcades have been dead here since since i was born as far as i know
isn't it 90s themed or something?
it's all of them, that's the trick
>>10746353you certainly would think that but apparently not. i've run into problems many times myself trying to figure some stuff out because the accepted method of learning this stuff is to just watch streamers until they do the content you're looking for.
here's hoping. given that he doesn't already have an editor at this point and i have such little skill it's a bit of a long shot but worth an effort. the concerning part is that he local records at the same time he streams so his videos have different music and none of his twitch notifications which i simply can't replicate without the separate recording, but i'm sure that's something he's more than aware of. if i'm really skilled maybe i'll be able to play with audio levels enough to get a similar effect.
usually around 15 minutes or so outside the case that he uploads massive 30-90 minute videos just to get all of one game in a video
he seems so disappointed
glad to see there's still justice in the world