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The furrys run the world

ID:AXmE4RiN No.10748047 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>the figgers own the millitry
>the figgers are working with the jews to archive anthro ascension by genese splicing to go alng with trans humanism
>figger pedophiles and besastality rings are around the world.
>the figger is tryring to make cartoon characters real for the purpose of reproduction
>trannys and furrys are apart of the satanic godless jewish elite to control the world for.
>furrys are a direct result of MK ultra and monarch programming on the masses.
>the skaven form WHFB exsiest because GW involvement with the CIA to make wargaming full of furrys.
>Furrys like trannys are exactly what the elites want because their pagan gods thy worship are uselly either multigenderd or anthopomorphic.
>the furry fandom was created by a MK ultra field agents meant to sue disorder and beastliness among the populace
>furrys are so leftiset is becuase cartoons in the 80s though 2010s were designed to have lefteist talking points and to make "Sex positvity" among animals and children more socially except able Thou communist, satanic Zionist indoctrination though the school system and the combined brainwashing though Disney cartoons make a generation of zoophile communist transsexuals
>thy run the militery
>the furrys were the first pharisees that killed Christ
>jews were the first furrys in the world