Let me tell you something about Paris.
Why does it have large boulevards radiating in star pattern from centerpoints? Why not a grid pattern?
Those are the result of a massive architectural project dating about 150 years back that saw the inner city almost entirely rebuild. The governmental will behind the project was to open up the cramped Paris not only for national beauty but also because health concerns for the population but Haussman's designs had another "unforseen" result.
The new street layout ended up as a very effective strategic playground for any sort of large armed force, very advantageous for anything cavalry related or any sort of large troupe movement within the city yet disadvantageous for any smaller fighting force. The kind of lightly armed resistance that set up barricades or privileges agile movement. The kind that would be stretched thin trying to set up such a wide defensive line.
During the revolution Paris' cramped and tight streets were very favorable to such tactics but not anymore.
Look at the way avenues radiate from focal strongholds. Imagine yourself trying to flank a wall of cops; you can't really do it.
All the cramped streets are flanked by runways and any maneuver takes your guys all the way around the triangle while your opposition is huddled
together.in a tetsudo.
Paris was designed to quell uprisings, it was build with military purpose in mind.