All humans are beautiful with souls , We just need to create our own space to enjoy our own unique and amazing cultures . We did not choose our skin color at birth so its fuckin beyond retarded to argue about it .
Cut the head off the snake .
It's not too late before all forms of thought are controlled.
Peace and love for all ~
Stop arguing over low vibration retarded shit (race/religion). that's what they want so they can stay in the shadows duh :^)
Wake up humans.
~Time to shine a light on the parasitic humans who have perverted and brainwashed modern minds with watered down ancient esoteric teachings and false religion .
Imagine what kind of sick fuck could stand infront of a babys cock and mutilate it with a knife ~It's the definition of an evil indoctrination to a satanic cult .
I have walked the halls of the dead and I can tell you with %100 certainty that there is endless horrible torture for the evil cunts who practice and pervert esoteric teachings. The pain and horror is far beyond human comprehension.
I honestly feel sorry for the fools who practice pieces of hermetic teachings and want to play god . Enjoy the short time you have left extorting these humans.
From a higher light I understand ALL ancient script/text and Religion and you dumb cunts are clearly missing a lot of the hidden code that warn against your evil actions.
You will suffer greatly after this human experience.
You have taken this too far already and now you will see light far geater than your simple low vibration corrupt twisted minds can understand. You and your grubby minions souls who pervert the minds of others are literally going to a place far far worse than the hell any of the fake religions your misunderstood esoteric teachings have created for thousands of years. Time to expose the true overlords and the devils cock cutting minions who attempt to control the hive mind'
The light is here