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The Keto Diet - based? Or scam?

No.10787377 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I see threads on here promoting fitness and health all the time. It is definitely political, as we all know that a sound mind is reflected in a sound body. A degenerate, weak mind, is reflected in an ugly and fat body. The SS schools in Germany during the late 30s and 40s included vigorous exercise in the curriculum alongside a traditional set of courses.

So, keto. No carbs or extremely low carbs. Is it based? I’ve been doing it for two weeks and no shit I’ve dropped 17 lbs. I can see my abs again. I feel energetic all the time. I go to bed at 11 and I wake up at 5 am. I miss some stuff like beer and fast food but I feel good as fuck and that outweighs my desire for temporary pleasure.

So discuss. Is keto the best diet for fat loss? Are other diets superior?

Pic rel, giant obese wildebeest uses keto to become cutie