>>10787963Troy was in between the Hellenic sphere and the Hittite sphere of central Anatolia. The Hittites themselves were an Indo-European people who came out of the north unlike the semitic nations they ruled in the south and east.
None of these people were Turkic at all. Also modern day turks have not only Turkic and mongolian admixture, but Arabic as well.
However there are many turks in the west, whome although are Muslim and culturally Turkish are genetically closer to Greek. Also many studies suggest that the language and culture of a region can change many times while the genes of the common people remain the same.
This is due to the aristocratic and warrior class deciding the culture by force. For example if someone invades you and they don't genocide you, they will rather become the upper class of your civilization and if you want to advance yourself in the world at all socially you have to learn their religion/customs/language.
Trojans were most likely closest to modern Greeks.