>>10798831Nice nice banished to /bant/ good one jannies. 100% fuck yes they are real aliens are real and there's not a question or hesitation in that affirmation. Check out Phil Schneider and Bob Lazar, then the 1977 broadcast interruption, then read about all the underground tunnels, and then CIA astral projection projects, then Ariel School South Africa mass sighting and subsequent follow up books by Harvard head of psychology Dr. John Mack, and then Betty and Barney hill... The list is endless. Anyone who says oh they're out there but they'd never be able to reach us can fuck right off because fuckin obviously their craft has tech that render distance absolutely meaningless and then if they say oh well why would they mess with us can fuck off way harder because clearly they've been around for eons just open your fuckin eyes people. You don't just not know how the pyramids were built thousands of years later and accept it that slaves pushed rocks up miles long ramps. Some of those rocks were fucking 20 tonnes. It's right there people right in front of us. Occam's razor, there's tech we had that was given to us. Simple. Not slaves and rocks and ramps and quarry hundreds of miles away that makes no sense at all. Not to mention all the ancient scripts, texts and murals that literally show alien craft and beings. Like, stop deluding yourself, world.