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BLM Thread

ID:xdO7aF91 No.10828007 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Racism is the American way.

Ending slavery is also the American way. It wasn't the black slave coast merchant class that ended slavery, it was the white male USA patriarchy who ended it. The USA white males ended it not too long after the white male British patriarchy also ended slavery in their colonial empire of conquered peoples. So you can see, there is a diversity of opinions of the whites which is not given due credit with respect to the present day skew of the injustice situation across the socioeconomic spectrum AND the racial spectrum, but overwhelming across the socioeconomic spectrum with the racial part following as an indirect consequence of certain races tending to be richer or poorer in the USA.

Forty acres and a mule, something denied by the white male USA patriarchy, was proposed by a member of the white male USA patriarchy. Overall, even while "racism" still lingers, it was the whites who ended slavery and don't get any credit for doing it. Today, economic disparity is the main source of the different levels of police problems between the blacks and the whites, but why is the finger only pointed at the whites for racism but never at the blacks who were enslaving their fellow Africans and selling them to foreigners? If the concept of reparations comes up, are not the ones who actually did the enslaving on the hook as much much they ones who kept the slaves, and also set them free from the slavery the Africans put them into?