>>10834372Red acre cabbage, bok choy, avocado, meyer lemon, gooseberry, jalapeño, apocalypse scorpion pepper, red basil, rosemary, sage, parsley, thyme, red cherry tomato, roma tomato, fahrenheit blues tomato, watermelon radishes, romaine lettuce, fordhook chard, brussels sprouts, lemon cucumber, jack be little pumpkin, dark star zucchini, some kind of melon, some other kind of melon, pole beans, yellow sweet corn, spearmint. I only started the earliest stuff in the beginning of june and planted a lot of it in early to mid july, so they aren't producing. Most of it is coming along nicely. The meyer lemon sapling shot up fast, but as soon as I moved it outside some kind of bug started eating it. I moved it back into the screened porch with a mason jar covering it for greenhouse effect. A bunch of the seedlings just got transplanted and moved, so I've been waiting to make sure they are healthy/hardy enough to survive. I'm considering the mason jar greenhouse for the apocalypse scorpion pepper. I'll need a grow lamp and heated mat for that one after August I think. It needs really warm soil to grow properly.