>>10847973>>10847993>>10848009Do you, then, wish to scorn the /pol/ jannies and the shit-tier D&C threads the shills make, which are niggatry and un-/bant/ because they are not made for funposting purposes, but to further the purposes of absolute Jewish niggers, soicommie cringe men, and .50 cent shills stealing your very own job of producing banter content, while making an inferior product in the end?
Take this. It is BLOOD LIBEL, the alleged ritual killing of non-Jews by Jews to extract blood for porphyric, literally vampiric purposes. They do not like it. It kept getting alleged for 2000 years, which is a weird thing to be a lie, but they don't like it anyways. Probably for that very reason, actually. You can see this variant
>>10847155 of the image and how Jews like it.
If it please you, go out from here and post it there; make sure it shows up in bad threads with a SAGE. Good threads, too, because why not? The more spread the merrier.
This is not an order, because you do not take orders. It is not even a plea, because I don't need or want to beggar anything of you. I am merely giving you something you may want; a means to silently anchor shit threads outside your own board, or at least shift the focus of bumping slide threads elsewhere, while making the jannie niggers seethe. Because they can't or won't do anything about it.