>>10847892It's to label the entire thing and prove it wrong, like snopes, more advanced. You can't right now, label the mindset without saying deplorables or russia, you can if you say "Qtard". Q is a reference to QGroup which was expressly tasked with destabilizing public trust of wikileaks, and finding any information on Snowden.
Besides that, it's to study 4chan's links with wikileaks and supress information coming from the remaining wikileaks staff.
The guy that runs it doesn't have a background in cryptography and reasoned that a GPG key, which is standard to identify one's postings, and he was challenging wikileaks own after it was changed when Assange's computer was in possession of the british gov; was too "identifying". He has used multiple tripcodes, each are the same as a GPG key to the reasoning he provided.
He did not know memes when he started, or the culture here, he was a complete newfag.
Three others are involved with his LARP, as they made over 2500 "CBTS" threads, each were trolled so often mods would move them to /bant/. The first "Q" tripcode was banned on 4chan.
Various links to a group making money from it, connected to Podesta who also shows up at their facebook meetings photographed blocks away.
Worth also mentioning that they think each post that references the past of the LARP, facts, or anything off qmap needs to be scrutinized and exclaimed that it is shilling. In their first threads they learned this behavior from shrek pictures being posted.
Also on their board they couldn't get rid of the global mods making fun of them in red text, so they shit the bed and appear to have had the website taken offline. The new is hosted by the DoD, which makes sense fully since the Q group was connected to glowniggers, the three have also posted pictures of guantanamo bay with their faces hidden.