[11 / 7 / ?]
And before you fags start implying, it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough, it turns into Fagmark's pickle pony avatar. Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, EZGif, etc. it can show both frames immediately.
>>10865397 >And before you fags start implying, >it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough, it turns into Fagmark's pickle pony avatar. >Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, EZGif, etc. it can show both frames immediately. Anonymous
>>10865397 Die out
>>10865405 Go fuck yourself ausfreak
Zecaurubu !!xHc4BatwWZU
Quoted By:
>>10865453 Reported, LittlelestPetShopfag
S1G !/sig//vPy6
Kinda ruins it if you explain it like that.
Quoted By:
>>10865754 He is actually quoting Lee. This copypasta was made by Lee
Quoted By:
>>10865397 Die out
>>10865405 Go fuck yourself ausfreak
Quoted By:
>>10865397 >people are still posting it Anonymous
>>10865397 Die out
>>10865405 Go fuck yourself ausfreak
Quoted By:
>>10869237 >Anonymous (ID: jPi6MbUw) 07/29/20(Wed)06:50:30 No.1086923728D4B749-DC4C-4484-A8B3-E(...).jpg28D4B749-DC4C-4484-A8B3-EEE4D78A9647.jpg (25 KB, 307x153)File: 28D4B749-DC4C-4484-A8B3-E(...).jpg (25 KB, 307x153) google yandex iqdb wait25 KB JPG>>10865397 (OP)# >Die out > >>>10865405 (You)# >Go fuck yourself ausfreak