>>1088712>Do you really not understand that you're throwing away money on something that you will never own?Ah yes. Rent is throwing money away.
But are: property taxes, mortgage interest, broker closing fees, and maintenance costs NOT throwing money away, on something you will own only in 30 years?
Literally better off spending the money you're spending on a home on ETFs. Housing is a shit investment across the board. It has low returns (if any), is not diversified either by sector or region, can be destroyed in a million ways from arson to flood to hurricanes, requires constant upkeep, isn't liquid at all and costs a chunk to sell. It's only redeeming factor is there fuzzy feeling of living in your own house, which is not worth all that much if you have to move. If it's that important to you, knock yourself out, but given a choice I would always rent.