>>10894551I was a rebel in Scotlands war for Independence
with william wallace from victory to victory
even on the rack my bravery didn't wane
I was a rebel for freedom i let my blood
I was a Sergeant under General Lee
In the south's field grey cavallry
In the swamps of Louisianna in feverish heat
I was a rebel for freedom i let my blood
I was a werewolf like shadow
In the last days of the Great German Reich
You with the white flags beware
Here comes a rebel and your blood will flow
I was an Insurgent in Ukraine
We gave the Red Army a run for their money
Furious with rage and unrelenting anger
I was a rebel and for freedom i let my blood
I was part of the 17th of June
Against Soviet Tanks and People's Police
The Molotov Cocktail burned so well
I was a rebel and for freedom i let my blood
I was a rebel and i will stay one
I won't be forced out of my country
To hell with the traitor brood
I am a rebel for freedom my blood boils
Yes i am rebel for freedom my blood boils
Yes i am a rebel for freedom i once let my blood