>>10906603A person once told the devil "Im done with your temptations and your shit. I will be a slave to you no more."
As the person walked away the devil, being the devil, kicked up the temptations he surrounded the person with until he inevitably gave in.
Moral of the story is dont tell the devil anything.
In your situation, anyone really, the devil in this case is your mind. Once you tell yourself you no longer will do Xyz, your mind will bring up every possible reason for why you should. Thats because the mind is not capable of subtracting or dividing its contents (your thoughts). It only multiplies or adds.
The moment you think about it, your thoughts run rampant with reasons as to why or why not, justifications for the why, excuses for now and then do it later, etc.
If you want to change, not quit, a certain aspect of your life then all you need to do is create the desire for that particular change and then leave it at that. Dont think about it. The moment you do thats when it all falls apart.
Equate porn to food. Lets say you wanted to change your compulsive disgusting pig habits of gorging yourself anytime you see a picture of a burger.
First you create a strong desire to change. Dont come up with reasons for why like "Oh I wamt to be fit. I should be this. I should do that." All of that is just noise created by your thoughts.
And we already talked about thoughts being the devil.
Once you create a strong enough desire, you will "automatically" (I use that word loosely) behave differently to fit your desire. I say auto because you already know what to do, actions wise, in order to stop being a slob. So you dont need to think about the steps. You dont need to think about anything. What you need is a desire that is strong enough to override your desire for the thing you want to quit.
You are a compulsive creature. A huge majority of people are. Once you become aware of your compulsive nature the next step is to make your actions consciously.