>>1094857He got on as CEO(for the goldman) just a few years before the subprime mortgage crisis and was part of the group pushing subprimes.
Goldman and its subsidiaries/partners were the only banks who Obama let off the hook and even protected. The price was a few years of regulation during 'bamas castrated final terms(trump removed this)
Through this crisis/ ponzi-scheme. He and his bank erased/bought out their entire competition from the map(lehman bros, etc) and are now the single-most largest bank on the planet(nothing is bigger than goldman). This includes military procurement and most of the military industrial complex your country loves so much. Making/selling and USING weapons means big money.
Goldman owns the largest amount of wall street and what you call the 'free-market'. Go please see how many pockets goldman has their hands in either directly or through their subsidiaries/partners.
Through this crisis/ ponzi-scheme. Many many millions of your countrymen/women were turned into wage slaves over the course of a few years(with unpayable debt). Your entire country's even larger financial divide is what earned him his quite paltry bonuses (3-6mi). Luckily for him he also gets paid in equity (stocks and holdings)- again this includes military procurement.
Alone the equity(being goldmans& friends) grows at rates that we could never get/comprehend. Goldman funds most wars thus more murder than possible as the leaders of nations who never had access to the military industrial complex of the US. The american militray(with its puny allies -us too!) is the largest murder machine in the history of mankind. Hey Id rather have U.S as friends tbqh!
Trump has owed them so much I truly believe hes paying back his debts to goldman through the presidency.
It doesnt matter if your a paper pusher. His hands are covered in just as much blood.
Going to be honest though I dislike the middle east more than goldman. But Im not a blind hypocrite