>>10949300>toyYou're supposed to take the buttplug out before you poop desu.
You pay a pro for things you know you don't know as well as things you don't know you don't know. Don't be an educated fag that thinks he knows everything "below" him.
As it relates to plumbing, sure, you could snake it, and you should have, but you might have a deeper blockage or other problem. All the average homeowner does is go "hur dur, the thingy {technically} works now, i fixed it!" Fuck the plumber for not having the tools, he should have handled that situation better. Most plumbers in my experience are idiots and the only reason they can charge what they charge is because they deal with shit, sewer gas, and if they fuck up your house can explode (gas lines), and plumbing is critical, so there's a bit of arm twisting there. The good ones are beasts though.
Because you're an unskilled faggot that has zero initiative or skills, so pros get the "too stupid to fix it yourself" fee.
t. master electrician that has made money and almost definitely saved lives and property because of owner ineptitude.
seriously, unless you -actually- know what you're doing, and you almost certainly don't, don't fuck with anything important, you'll wind up with subpar work without knowing it and probably a ticking time bomb.
Wikihow or a book from homedepot doesn't count, I've seen so many fucked up outlets or basic DIY projects. It's a testament to modern materials and specs that there aren't more house fires despite fucking up almost every aspect of a simple project.
it gets me in the feels when "the man of the house" fixes something and fucks it up so I have to fix it, I can tell it hurts his masculinity, I try to be nice, both for repeat clients, but also humanity. There are very few chances modern men have the opportunity to feel like men anymore. I blame (((basedciety))).