>>1095884Ok this one is a bit strange.
It started with me (first person view) going to my PC and starting to watch an episode of Columbo.
The episode plays like this: A church wall is blawn out, killing everyone but one man. Columbo interviews him and after he tells his story he concludes that the roof falling down caused an air movement that pushed him out of the front door.
It then turns out it was a flashback and Columbo returns to the same building but rebuilt. He has a Watson-like assistant for some reason. He enters the church mid-service, says it's for incvestigation, gets a hold of the priest's laptop somehow, puts it on the altar, installs chrome and a bunch of software because the priest still uses explorer (this plays out like it's a comedy)
After a while he installs VLC, wants to test it, opens a random film that turns out to be the priest's gay scat orgy porn and it's prejected on the wall behind them somehow. Babushkas lose it and there's an uprising. Columbo exits the building in the chaos and LOL for minutes. Watson (?) feels bad but Columbo tells him the priest is a con artist and Watson shrugs and says something like "I guess" and then I wake up.
Is this edgy?