>>10959925>IMAGINE ISRAEL NUKEDI'd imagine it would have decades of repercussions perhaps even centuries. Land that would be uninhabitable for hundreds of years, as infertile soil leading to massive famine, and mutant animals roaming the wastelands. As a resualt the current refugee crisis from the cluster fuck in the Levant would triple. It would also spark new conflicts as the natives fight for what little land is left non scorched and irradiated.
Not the mention all the ancient architecture that would be lost forever and inevitably replaced with ugly glass sky highs and gay post modernist shit, basically think Paris 2.0 but worse and with even more giant dildos.
I know your just being edgy but actually nuking Israel/Jerusalem/Palestine whatever would pretty much doom everyone to a new dark ages filled with ethnic, religious, and class war on account of all the slums that would be built to house these new people and ultimately all for some meme solution.