The Talmud is reactionary against Christ. A series of rules and regulations that are designed to refute the messiahship of Jesus Christ, the True children of Israel (not just Judah) Messiah. It was written after the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, same as the Qaran.
The jews were once God's chosen people during the Old Testament period. Those today are under damnation or even subverters from old Edom and Babylonian heathen gods. This reference to jews in the NT was only to facilitate the birth of Christ by a pure, sinless mother, the Theotokos. Once that had been achieved, the old covenant became obsolete and the jews were no longer God's special, chosen people.
Many jews refused to accept this. They wanted to retain their special status as the chosen people. They rejected their Messiah, and in doing so became Satan's chosen people. Modern jews are chosen all right, they are chosen by Hell and death. Judaism in the post-resurrection era is a hideous blasphemy, and any jew who refuses to repent of it will be heaping damnation upon his own head. Many saints, namely St John Chrysostom, speak of the blasphemy and evils of the jews.
John Chrysostom, Against the Jews. Homily 1>(3) But heaven forbid that I call these people faithful. For to me the shrine of Matrona and the temple of Apollo are equally profane. If anyone charges me with boldness, I will in turn charge him with the utmost madness. >Here the slayers of Christ gather together, here the cross is driven out, here God is blasphemed, here the Father is ignored, here the Son is outraged, here the grace of the Spirit is rejected. Does not greater harm come from this place since the Jews themselves are demons?