>>10985206just imagine you were a director/producer/movie executive that got lucky enough that nerd fanbases associated it with hegelianism and platanism, causing your franchise to transcend in the minds of idiots from a mere movie to an allegory on human reality and perception.
You wake up one day, decide "fuck that heavy shit.', and proceed to tweet as much as you can about how all previous interpretations of Plato were actually references to a short-lived social movement that's popular in your day and age.
Imagine if Plato woke up one day and decided to spell out the results of his thought experiments to the people he taught, and the interpretation was actually an allegory for the effectiveness of blood-letting.
Forget all this critical thinking stuff, says Plato. Let me spell it out for you : buy more bloodletting services. I've spent a lot on them, and it'd make me feel better about my personal choices if I could rook you into the same quagmire that I now find myself in.
that's what Larry and Andy did, and with only enough talent to repackage philosophical thought experiments that were demonstrated thousands of years ago to anyone that might actually have cared.
and they made a BUNDLE :(