Exit, no more jail ID get sounds like a fun dream to good to be true.
Does "fren" mean friend or does it mean far-right ethno-nationalist? Pic related, this is the job description of who I'm trying to be, and it is indeed who I am. Multiple nations are required for that. The obedience of one nation does not satisfy the mission of the Messiah. The mission of the Messiah is the new world order in which the pluralized nations, with an S, give me the one man their obedience: me, the Sovereign Lord. As the King of Kings, I am the king of all the nations. Each nation wants me purge all the other nations so it will be just they and I, but I will preserve many nations even while I exterminate the heathen nations. When any one nation turns away from me, any among those who have me as their king today, then I can send the other nations to reduce their numbers until they return to me. In this way I ensure stability, and for this reason among others my kingdom will endure forever. If I pared it down to just one nation like the "frens" want me to, then who would I send against them when they inevitably turn to foreign gods? The whole story of the Bible is that people always forget on inter-generational timescales why the Lord is their God, so I will use my wisdom to maintain the order of my kingdom.