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50KiB, 474x567, Penis+when+child+touch+_132eb8ff376619dcfd9f9cc2864f2fef.jpg
Quoted By: >>11003012 >>11003626 >>11003667
>early-mid August
>live with parents
>outside it's 950+ Fahrenheit with high humidity, in my house it's even worse
>constant state of heat stroke and pooling sweat
>can't even play vidya or go online sitting still without being sticky and drenched
>ass is like a slip-n-slide wherever I sit
>coolest when I'm pacing back and forth generating wind
>only means of cooloff are a few shitty fans and taking 3+ cold showers a day
>dad won't let us have air conditioning because he loves the heat so fucking much and makes everyone else suffer and thinks AC is for pussy ass faggots
>probably disappointing him by not liking the heat
>often hang out at local sunoco where it's cool as fuck and I can hang out in the beer cooler where it's even colder.
>temperature drops at night but mosquitoes are relentless
>can't even hang with friends, go anywhere, or get a job to save up money because of corona-chan
Convince me that summer (especially this summer) isn't the shittiest season. At least in the winter I have somewhere to get away from the cold.
>live with parents
>outside it's 950+ Fahrenheit with high humidity, in my house it's even worse
>constant state of heat stroke and pooling sweat
>can't even play vidya or go online sitting still without being sticky and drenched
>ass is like a slip-n-slide wherever I sit
>coolest when I'm pacing back and forth generating wind
>only means of cooloff are a few shitty fans and taking 3+ cold showers a day
>dad won't let us have air conditioning because he loves the heat so fucking much and makes everyone else suffer and thinks AC is for pussy ass faggots
>probably disappointing him by not liking the heat
>often hang out at local sunoco where it's cool as fuck and I can hang out in the beer cooler where it's even colder.
>temperature drops at night but mosquitoes are relentless
>can't even hang with friends, go anywhere, or get a job to save up money because of corona-chan
Convince me that summer (especially this summer) isn't the shittiest season. At least in the winter I have somewhere to get away from the cold.