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ID:LxZgVMCC No.11022067 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Give me ONE good reason why us superior BLACK MEN don’t enslave all y’all white boys RIGHT NOW as punishment for what you did to my ancestors? FUCK reparations. FUCK affirmative action. FUCK welfare checks. FUCK food stamps. I won’t be satisfied until I see ALL YALL WHITE BOYS shufflin down a dirt road in HEAVY STEEL CHAINS, BEGGING your black-as-bones overlords for food and water. If I’m generous I might let you lick up my PISS off my shorts and eat my SHIT off the sole of my air force 1s. I’ll send you out to the cotton fields to get whipped by my baby girlz until you can’t stand no longer, and then you come back home to your shack to find me BALLS DEEP in your white girl hoe ass as she suck muh dick dry like a RAISIN. Then I’ll let you raise my beautiful mixed babies while I add your hoe ass bitch to my collection of concubines. Maybe then I’ll start to consider us on even ground, white boy. But until then, watch yourself, because that day is coming REAL SOON, and you will NOT be prepared. You want equality? You gon GET equality white boy. And it ain’t gon be pretty..