>>11044181>Should i convert to paganism?Is not that simple, there is not a religion called "paganism", Indo-European paganism is actually a group of different religions closely related to eachother, but different religions after all.
>Is there like a holy scripture i should follow or some laws and stuff?
Again, that depends on what religion in particular we are talking about, some of them such as Hinduism and Zoroastrianism are extensively documented and still have a lot of believers today, while others such as Dacio-Thracian Paganism and Anatolian Paganism are almost completely undocumented and are not practiced today. I can´t speak for every pagan religion, but I´ll try to explain how my religion, Asatru Odinism, works. We don´t have a holy scripture in the sense of Divine Revealed Scripture, as in Christianity, but we do have some texts, that although we know are not written by the Gods, but by humans, we still consider them sacred due to the moral, spiritual or historical importance. Those texts would be the Eddas and the Havamal. We also have a basic, indispensable moral code: The Nine Noble Virtues and The Six Sacred Purposes